08/08/22 Engine Biased Program

Engine Biased Program

If you can’t complete all of the programming don’t stress, prioritise the areas you need to improve on most. On the Engine plan make sure you prioritise the Engine sessions. The goal is to build aerobic capacity and maintain or slightly improve other areas.

Click here to learn how to warm up for each session


3 Rounds
800m Run
200m Jog
400m Run
200m Walk

Squat Clean
5 x 3 @ 75%

Monday Metcon:
6 Minutes Work / 4 Minutes Rest for 4 Rounds
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
20 DB Snatch 2 x 22.5/15 kg
Max calories on the rower in the remaining time

Accessory Lower Body
For Quality
3 Rounds
20m DB Racked Walking Lunge
15/12 Cal C2 Bike (7 RPE)
30 Jumping Lunges
Rest 90 seconds


Zone 2 Session
30-90 Minute C2 Bike

If you have a heart rate monitor try keeping your heart rate between 60-70%
The Polar H10 Heart Rate Monitor lets you connect to the erg machines so you can see your heart rate on the screen.

Gymnastics Volume
5 Rounds For Quality
5-10 Strict handstand push-ups
5-10 Strict Pull-Ups
Rest as needed between sets

Scaling: If your still working towards your first rep of either of the movements focus on performing 2-3 negatives each round.

50 GHD Sit-Ups
50 Thrusters 40/30kg
25 GHD Sit-Ups
25 Thrusters 60/40kg

Level 1: Round 1 - 20/15kg barbell
Round 2 - 30/22.5kg barbell
100/50 Ab mat sit-ups

Level 2: Round 1 - 30/22.5kg barbell
Round 2 - 40/30kg barbell
30/15 GHD Sit-Ups

Level 3: As prescribed

Accessory Shoulder Health
Gymnastics Swimming
3 Rounds
:30 Front Crawl
:30 Breast Stroke
:30 second Pulse
Video demonstration of movements


Calorie Ski
Calorie C2 Bike

Female Calories

Weightlifting A
Snatch Complex
1 Snatch Pull
2 Hang Power Snatch
2 Hang Squat Snatch
2 Overhead Squat

Slowly build to a max for this complex, do lots of working sets only making small jumps.

Barbell Metcon
6 Minute Amrap
10 Power Clean & Jerks @ 60kg
Rest 1 minute
10 Power Clean & Jerks @ 80kg
Rest 1 minute
Max Power Clean & Jerks @ 100kg

Level 1: Round 1 - 30/25
Round 2 - 40/30
Round 3 - 50/35

Level 2: Round 1 - 40/30
Round 2 - 55/40
Round 3 - 70/50

Level 3: As prescribed

Accessory Core Compression
3 Rounds for Quality
10 V-Ups
10 Alt V-Ups
10 Tuck-Ups
10 Second hollow hold
Rest 1 min


Zone 2 session
3 Rounds
10 Minute Run
5 Minutes of Down Ups

If you have a heart rate monitor try keeping your heart rate between 60-70%
The Polar H10 Heart Rate Monitor lets you connect to the erg machines so you can see your heart rate on the screen.



40 Minute EMOM
2 Minutes on each movement

  1. Calorie Row

  2. Calorie Assault Bike

  3. Rest 1 Minute

Squat Session
Back Squat
3x3 @ 75%
2x2 @ 80%

Friday Metcon (Benchmark Workout)
15 Minute Amrap
6 Dumbbell thrusters 2 x 22.5/15kg
12/9 Calorie Ski

Level 3:
As prescribed

Level 2:
6 Dumbbell thrusters 2 x 15/10kg
12/9 Calorie Ski

Level 1:
6 Dumbbell thrusters 2 x 10/7.5kg
12 Alt V-Ups
12/9 Calorie Row

3 Rounds for quality
1 Minute overhead barbell hold
10 Ring Dips (Add weight if needed)
Rest 1 Minute

Zone 2
30-90 Minute Run

If you are a golfer then take a look at Golf for the latest golf tips and trucs

5 Rounds
6 Power Snatches (135/85 lb - 61/38 kg)
200m Run

Choose a weight you can go touch and go on

Accessory Static Core Holds
3 Rounds
:30 Hanging L-Sit
:30 Floor Arch Hold
Rest 90 seconds

